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What We Do

Lake Norman Cryotherapy


Recovery & Cryotherapy Now 1+1=3


Medically supervised recovery protocols


Recovery. It's the KryoGenesis reason for being. Cryotherapy very effectively uses the body's own resources to fight the issues causing acute and chronic pain. By using this science as a complementary enhancement to Chiropractic Care, physical therapy and other Wellness treatments, the pace of patient recovery is accelerated. Patients suffering from pain due to trauma, post surgery or even insidious onset, will experience immediate relief following a Cryotherapy session. 


A Powerful Signal to the Brain

A reaction in the central nervous system is triggered causing a natural anti-inflammatory response to the cold and the release of endorphins. 


Warm Blood into the Core 

After treatment, the blood flow which had concentrated in your core to keep vital organs warm now moves back to the extremities flushing any toxins. 


3 Minutes. -256F. 

You're not freezing but your mind thinks you are. 


By exposing the body's outer layer to extreme cold a reaction in the central nervous system is triggered, causing a natural anti-inflammatory response and the release of endorphins. The result? A flushing of toxins and a surge of energy. 


Athletic Recovery

From elite athletes to weekend warriors, full-body cryotherapy can do more in three minutes than a one-hour ice bath. It bring relief to the muscular aches and soreness associated with strenuous athletic activity. 



During each session the body releases endorphins- hormones that make you feel euphoric and energetic. These buoyant effects last six to eight hours after a session and increase with the number of sessions. 


Inflammation and pain management

Regular use of cryotherapy promotes anti-inflammatory properties, reduced muscle soreness, less pain from sore joints and blood flow restoration. 


Overall Health and Wellness

Cryotherapy has amazing restorative powers by oxygenating the blood with nutrients, the body heals significantly faster. 


Relief From: 

Chronic Pain  Arthritis  Spinal Problems  Fatigue  Fibromyalgia  Muscular Discomfort  Psoriasis  Stress  Rheumatoid Arthritis  Post Injury and Surgical Trauma  


Services provided through Cryotherapy
What is going on when you Cryo, and what you Cryo for
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  • Single Session - $40

  • 10 Sessions - $299

  • Month to Month - $349/Month 


***Please contact us for group & corporate pricing. 

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